
Homework is set on Class Charts. 

Parents should download the Class Charts parent app and students can download the Class Charts Student app. Both are available on the app store or google play. 

Students have been given the access codes by their form tutors. If you have not got a code, please contact your childs from tutor.  Students and parents can use these apps to track the homework which is set and when it is due to be submitted. 

Class Charts is also available on a web browser at  www.classcharts.com. The same access code is needed to login. 

Homework Policy 

  • All homework will be set using Class Charts. The homework activity will also be discussed with students during the lesson. 

  • At KS3/4, homework will be set weekly for core subjects and fortnightly for foundation subjects (KS3 30-60 mins max, KS4 40-60mins). 

  • Homework will be set using high quality online resources, which give students instant feedback, and support knowledge retention.  

  • In examination years, online homework may be supplemented with written tasks in order to support examinations 

  • Daily 20 minute reading and Book Report: English will continue to set KS3 students 20 minutes private reading each night, and this will be verified through the half-termly book report. 

  • We are continuing with the once per 8 weeks subject specific wider reading homework, which is a core principle of our whole school reading policy. 

  • If a child continually does not submit homework and accrues numerous behaviour points, a letter will be sent home informing parents. 

  • If a child does not improve their submission of homework, then they will be placed in a compulsory homework support club twice a week, 3-4pm, for half a term.