Our Governors

Welcome to the Governors’ section of our website where you can find out about our school’s governors and the work of the Governing Body.

The Governing Body has a legal responsibility for the overall management of the school and governors are actively involved in school life in many ways . Governors set the school’s vision and strategic aims, monitor and evaluate performance and ensure the school is accountable to those it serves.

End of year statement from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents

As we near the end of another academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during what has been a challenging but overall successful year at Marriotts. I know you will join me in thanking all of the Marriotts staff team in their unwavering support of all students at the school. 

Wellbeing of the whole Marriotts Family is vital to all at the school, we have   navigated a number of tragic losses this year and I'm proud to see how the staff have supported students and each other to cope with such sad events.  

Success is at the heart of Marriotts, from the students who left last summer who are now studying in some of the top universities in the UK, to the year 7's who have flourished at the school after having difficult experiences at primary school. Success can show itself in so many different ways and here at Marriotts we celebrate it all, that's what makes Marriotts so special. 

The Marriotts Governing Board is made up of parents, ex-parents and people who are passionate to  support the school to deliver outstanding opportunities to our students, we are always looking for new volunteers with fresh, exciting viewpoints, if you are interested please contact me via the school office. 

In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all boards of governors, the three core strategic functions Marriotts Governing Body are:

· ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

· holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students and

· overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The governing body meet regularly with these three-core strategic function at the centre of all decisions made. In the summer term governors met to plan the strategic direction for 2024/25. All governors also visit the school to see for themselves how the school operates, taking time to meet the staff and students to hear what is working well and what could be even better. The governor visits are the highlight of most governors’ year; spending time seeing how engaged and enthusiastic students are, is arguably much more important than any meeting to discuss strategic direction.

On behalf of all governors I hope that your summer is enjoyable and look forward to welcoming students and families back to Marriotts in September for what I am sure will be another highly successful year.

Mrs Melany Knowles
Chair of Governors


Curriculum & Achievement Report 2023-24

The Curriculum and Achievement Committee has met regularly throughout 2023-24 to scrutinise all aspects of standards of educational provision across the school. This has included a detailed analysis of student outcomes and projected outcomes, and the school strategies to address any gaps in this performance; reviewing the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum across all three key stages, including the particular focus on pitch and challenge and supporting closing the gap for key groups including boys and Disadvantaged students; other key measures such as attendance, behaviour, suspensions, permanent exclusions, etc, and monitoring that these are in line with national averages; and key strategies and policies such as Tuition, Pupil Premium, etc. We look forward to seeing the school continue to move forwards in further improving outcomes and provision in 2024-25.


What is a governor?

The role of the school governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to the local community.

School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers good quality education for all students. Together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school’s aims and policies.

Key roles of governors:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
  • They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:
    • Determining how the school’s budget is spent.
    • The appointing and dismissing of staff.
    • Hearing appeals and grievances.
    • Forming policy on the school’s curriculum.
    • Setting standards for students behaviour.
    • Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe.
    • Setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies.


Who can be a school governor?

You don’t have to have children at the school to be a governor. However, you do have to be over 18, and pass a formal check for your suitability to be within a school. No specific qualifications are required but there are certain expectations. What’s really important is that you have energy, enthusiasm, time and a real desire to help provide children with the best possible education.

Governors come from all sections of the community, and all walks of life. They can be parents, staff at the school, residents in the locality or representatives of local churches or businesses. It is important that you can work as part of a team, and can give commitment to the school.

There are 10 people at Marriotts who make up the governing body. Advice, support and training for the role is given by Hertfordshire County Council. Some governors are elected by parents, some are appointed by the governing body itself and some by the staff of the school. This ensures governing bodies reflect the communities they serve.

Term of office and meetings

The term of office for a school governor is normally four years. There is usually a full governing body meeting once a term (for approximately 2 hours).  Most governors find they usually attend meetings or visit a school three or four times each term. You may be invited to special occasions such as assemblies, sports days, plays and presentations.

Members and Terms of Office

Chair of Governors

Mrs Melany Knowles

Vice Chair

Mr Karl Newstead


Ms Bethany Honnor

Chair of Curriculum and Achievement Committee

Mrs Teresa Killworth

Chair of Resources Committee

Mrs Margaret Luchman

Nominated by Hertfordshire County Council (LA)

Mr Jim Brown


Mrs Anne Evans (staff)

Mrs Margaret Luchman

Mrs Melany Knowles (Chair)

Mrs Teresa Killworth

Mr Karl Newstead (Vice Chair)

Elected Parent Governors

Mr Stuart Dunlop

Elected Staff/Non Teacher Governor

Mrs Tanya Haskins

New Governors

Shelley Hughes

Sarah Muncey

Clerk to Governors

Mrs Tracey Novis

Please note - From September 2022 , Standard committee is known as Curriculum and Achievement committee and Operations committee is known as Resources committee. 

Minutes of Full Governing Body meetings (once agreed) are available to view. If you would like a copy please email the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Tracey Norris, c/o Marriotts School via admin@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

The Chair of Governors and the Clerk to Governors may be written to c/o Marriotts School.


Terms of office:



Anne Evans

16/03/2019 - 31/07/2023

Shelley Hughes

01/09/2022 - 31/08/2026

Teresa Killworth

18/09/2021 - 17/09/2025

Melany Knowles

18/03/2023 - 17/03/2027

Anne Lloyd

16/03/2023 - 31/07/2023

Margaret Luchman

16/03/2023 - 15/03/2027

Karl Newstead

18/09/2021 - 17/09/2025

Bethany Honnor


Jim Brown

01/09/2022 - 31/08/2026

Stuart Dunlop

07/10/2019 - 06/10/2023

Sarah Muncey

24/11/2021 - 23/11/2025

Tanya Haskins

01/10/2023 - 

Ben Pearce

01/09/2019 - 31/08/2023

Caitlin Macrae

01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025



Anne Lloyd Stepped down 01.07.23
Jordan Lawrence Stepped down 30/09/2023

Committees and Memberships

Full Governing Body Committee

  • Melany Knowles (Chair)
  • Karl Newstead (Vice Chair)
  • Beth Honnor (Headteacher)
  • Ben Pearce (Associate Member)
  • Caitlin Macrae (Associate Member)
  • Mandy Bains (Associate Member)
  • Kathryn White (Associate Member)
  • Jim Brown
  • Stuart Dunlop
  • Anne Evans
  • Tanya Haskins
  • Teresa Killworth
  • Margaret Luchman
  • Sarah Muncey
  • Shelley Hughes

Resources Committee

The Resources Committee has responsibility for overseeing the strategic management of all school resources, Budget, Staffing and Premises..

 The Committee meet once per term to review in depth the following vital business activities and resources:

  •  School’s Budget and Strategic Financial Planning together with  any potential risks to the School’s financial sustainability
  • All aspects of HR management including staff absence, wellbeing, recruitment and policies
  • All aspects of site and premises management including the whole school and site Health and Safety

 Detailed reports on the above are provided at each of the Resources Committee Meetings in order to inform Governors of all aspects of the Business Function of the School.

  • Margaret Luchman (Chair)
  • Jim Brown (Vice Chair)
  • Beth Honnor
  • Melany Knowles
  • Karl Newstead
  • Kathryn White
  • Anne Evans
  • Stuart Dunlop
  • Mark Street

Curriculum and Achievement Committee

The  Curriculum and Achievement Committee has responsibility for overseeing all aspects of standards of provision across the school

 The Committee meet once per term to review in depth the following:

  • Student outcomes and projected outcomes
  • Intent, Implementation and Impact of the Curriculum
  • Other key aspects such as attendance, behvaviour (including suspensions), etc.
  • Key strategies such us Catch Up, Pupil Premium, etc.

 Detailed reports on the above are provided at each of the Curriculum and Achievement Committee Meetings in order to inform Governors of all aspects of standards of provision across the school.

  • Beth Honnor
  • Caitlin Macrae
  • Ben Pearce
  • Teresa Killworth (Chair)
  • Tanya Haskins
  • Sarah Muncey
  • Shelley Hughes
  • SEND Governor

Meeting Attendance

Meeting Attendance 2023 2024

Positions and Areas of Responsibility


Area of Responsibility


Jim Brown

Resources Committee

Health and Safety



Melany Knowles

Chair of Governors

Safeguarding , Work of Governors, Governor Training, Curriculum

PE, H&Sc

SEND Governor

Curriculum and Standards Committee

SEND, Interventions


Teresa Killworth

Chair of Curriculum and Standards Committee

6th Form, Year 11 including Outcomes


Shelley Hughes

CLA, PLA, Mental Health + Behaviour with Sarah Muncey


Anne Evans

Resources Committee

Policies, Catch up strategy and funding


Karl Newstead

Vice Chair

Website, Pupil Premium, Pupil Premium Plus

ICT/ Computing/Business

Margaret Luchman

Resources Committee

Literacy and Reading including Outcomes, numeracy


Stuart Dunlop

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Personal Development including careers and Healthy Lifestyles, PD curriculum Co-curricular ( trips, clubs etc )


Humanities, Life skills

Tanya Haskins

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Staff Wellbeing and voice. Student wellbeing and voice, parent voice


Sarah Muncey

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Behaviour including off rolling, off sit provision and inclusion , pastoral care

Technology ( Food, Art, DT )

Ben Pearce

Associate Governor



Caitlin Macrae

Associate Governor



Kathryn White

Associate Governor



Mandy Bains

Associate Governor

Governor visits, governor training, Governor induction with MKS


Relevant Business Interests

This document includes any other governor roles at other educational settings and any relationships between governors and members of the school staff (to include spouses, partners and relatives)



Pen Portraits

Melany Knowles - Chair of Governors

I have been a governor for nearly 30 years in various schools in Stevenage. I have been involved with Marriotts for nearly 20 years and the Chair of Governors for over 10 years. I have had three children who have benefitted from the Marriotts experience and I’m so proud to be part of the Marriotts family.


Beth Honnor - Headteacher

I am delighted to be the Headteacher of Marriotts School and am honoured to be able to serve our students and our community. The last ten years of my headship here have been incredibly enjoyable and I am proud of the significant success we have achieved. I believe passionately in the transformative power of education to change students’ lives and our society and will continue to strive to ensure that Marriotts students have the best possible opportunities and leave us not only with the qualifications and knowledge,  but also with the qualities and skills they need to lead happy and successful lives. My own education in Yorkshire, then at Cambridge University and the Institute of Education in London, enabled me to achieve my goal of becoming a Headteacher. As a member of the governing body it is my role to ensure that we lead Marriotts School forward so that all of our students can achieve their own dreams and goals.


Stuart Dunlop

I have been involved as a governor at Marriotts since 2019 and enjoy the challenges that come from providing the best education that the school is able to so, and to be able to work with a passionate team of professionals that are committed to all of their pupils success and aspirations.  All three of my children have attended or are attending Marriotts, and I am very proud to be associated with the school. Professionally, I have worked in Further Education since 2002, and currently work at North Hertfordshire College as a Deputy Head of Department


Jim Brown

I have been a Marriotts Governor for several years, my first permanent job was as a science and games teacher in a comprehensive school. I moved to Stevenage in 1992 with more recent job experience in community development and as a policy manager. I was the Mayor of Stevenage during the difficult Covid period. Previously serving for nine years after a gap of one year in May 2022 I was re-elected to Stevenage Borough Council where I serve on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; Economy and Environment Select Committee and Community Select Committee. I am an assistant coach with Fairlands Valley Spartans running club; a keen cyclist for fun and for transport; and concerned about climate change and the future for young people.  Every school should be a good community school.


Sarah Muncey

I have been involved with Marriotts since 2015, having two sons who have now completed their Marriotts journey and a daughter who is still enjoying her education here. I decided to become a governor because I believe that every child is entitled to an exemplary education and their voice should be heard. Upon being appointed in November 2021, I have learned an incredible amount about the running of the school, the commitment from the staff and the passion of our Headteacher. I am enjoying monitoring behaviour and attendance, among my other roles and hope that I can help contribute to keeping the high standards that everyone at Marriotts currently has.


Margaret Lunchman

I am very proud to be a governor at Marriotts school to support all facets of student learning.

I have been a teacher for many years in inner city, London secondary schools, and  currently, I am working in Initial Teacher Training with the Department of Education. I am passionate about and committed to enhancing expectations and raising levels of achievement for all learners. I have an inclusive approach to education that emphasises equality of access, achievement and attainment very highly, and celebrates the rich diversity of our society.
 I have developed sustainable International partnerships with schools in Hungary and Grenada with the British Council.  I am also a governor in a primary school.


Shelley Hughes

I have worked in Education for over 25 years in various roles in schools and for the Local Authority in Hertfordshire and Central Bedfordshire. I am currently Head of Centre at North Herts ESC. My experience in Education has been in behaviour and safeguarding and I have qualified in Trauma Informed Practice with young people. This enables me to work effectively in a Governors role at Marriotts to support the students and staff. I have worked previously with Marriotts in my role at Local Authority and admired the vision and ethos of the school alongside the many interventions used to support their students to be successful young people. 

I am proud to be a Governor at Marriotts School and look forward to working with Senior Leaders staff and students.


Teresa Killworth

I have been a governor for 7 Years and have had a Daughter who previously attended Marriotts.  I enjoy being part of the Marriotts family and working with the Leadership team to help students reach there full potential.


Mark Street

Pen Portrait – Mark Street I work within the charitable sector, championing education for disabled people and their families. When my son was in his final year of primary school, I decided that I wanted to be more supportive of his education and applied to be a Parent Governor at his Secondary school. I am dedicated to helping shape the enhanced educational journey the young people will receive here at Marriotts. In my first year, I have witnessed the passion and dedication of all the Governors and Staff to ensure the success of every young person here at Marriotts.