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Assessment, Recording and Reporting
At Marriotts School, we have redeveloped our assessment and feedback strategy to foster a culture where students receive timely and constructive feedback in a variety of formats. This approach helps students improve their knowledge, refine their ideas, and enhance their communication skills to support their academic progress.
The Importance of Feedback
Feedback is an essential part of the learning process, providing students with ongoing opportunities to review, refine, and develop their understanding of the subject matter. Our approach ensures that students receive targeted support to address misconceptions and bridge the gap between their current understanding and their learning goals.
How Feedback is Delivered
Teachers at Marriotts employ a range of strategies to provide effective feedback, including:
Questioning and Discussion: Engaging students in dialogue to assess understanding and clarify misconceptions.
One-to-One Conversations: Offering personalised guidance to support individual progress.
Whole-Class Feedback: Addressing common themes and areas for improvement.
Live Marking: Providing real-time feedback during lessons to enable immediate improvements.
Summative Assessment Marking: Evaluating student work to measure progress and inform future learning.
Feedback Strategies in Practice Feedback is embedded throughout the curriculum and delivered in various ways, including:
Mini Whiteboards: Used to quickly assess class understanding and address misconceptions through targeted lesson activities.
Teacher Annotations: Marking key areas in green pen for students to review and correct independently.
Question-and-Answer Activities: Reviewing knowledge through discussion and collective note-taking.
Mini Quizzes: Used at the start or end of lessons, often reviewed and marked as a class.
"Everybody Works" Tasks: End-of-lesson activities to assess application of learning, with live feedback provided.
Success Criteria Discussions: Establishing clear expectations for tasks and recording key learning points.
Visualisers in the Classroom: Used to model good examples of work and facilitate class discussions.
Immediate Verbal Feedback: Encouraging students to extend and develop their responses in real-time.
One-to-One and Peer Feedback: Supporting individual improvement through teacher or peer discussions.
Online Quizzes for Homework: Identifying learning gaps and informing future lesson planning.
Mid-Year and End-of-Year Exam Marking: Providing structured follow-up activities to address areas for improvement.
Supporting Your Child at Home Parents play a key role in reinforcing effective learning habits. Asking your child about their work using prompts such as ‘What Went Well?’ and ‘What Could Be Even Better?’ encourages self-reflection. Encouraging them to explain their ideas in full sentences also supports classroom engagement and critical thinking skills.
At Marriotts, our commitment to high-quality assessment and feedback ensures that every student is supported in achieving their full potential.
Click here to find out about Recording and Reporting at Marriotts.