Home School Agreement
This agreement outlines how the school, parents/carers and students will work in partnership to help meet the needs of each student.
Parents/Carers will:
Ensure that my/our child is organised for school – in correct uniform with all necessary equipment.
Ensure my/our child attends school on time and notify the school if my child is late or absent.
Encourage my/our child to have a positive Approach to Learning.
Support and encourage my/our child in completing school work to a good standard (including homework).
Let the school know if any situation is likely to affect my/our child’s learning.
Make the most of all opportunities to meet with staff and encourage a dialogue between the school and home.
Support the school Rewards and Behaviour for Learning Policy including same day detentions.
Support excellent attendance for my/our child; not make requests for my/our child to be out of school during term time other than in exceptional circumstances.
Encourage my/our child to be kind and respect others at all times, child not engaging in discrimination, harassment and victimisation of others.
Encourage my/our child to follow the school’s online safety expectations, for example, not to engage in social media activity where it causes offence or harm.
Ensure that my/our child follows The Marriotts Way, follows the rules of Ready, Respect, Safe and meets Marriotts’ expectations.
Marriotts Staff will:
Expect all members of the school community not to engage in discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
Expect students to attend school in correct uniform and have the necessary equipment for lessons.
Work with parents/carers and students to encourage regular,excellent attendance and excellent punctuality.
Deliver the curriculum (lessons and homework), ensure work is marked and provide support for all students in order that learning needs are met and they achieve their personal best.
Expect students to follow our rules of Ready, Respect and Safe, so behave positively, respect each other and together create a safe learning environment for all.
Take appropriate action in cases of student misconduct, following the behaviour policy.
Respond promptly to parental concerns relating to the welfare of students.
Support parents/carers and students through regular consultation evenings, reports and other forms of communication.
Keep parents/carers informed of school events and activities.
Deliver and promote the Marriotts Way.
Students will:
Fulfil our school mission: Aim High, Work Hard, Be Kind
Not engage in behaviour that discriminates, harasses or victimises others.
Wear the correct uniform at all times.
Bring my books and equipment to school for lessons and activities, and be ready to learn.
Attend school regularly and arrive on time for school and lessons.
Follow the Marriotts Way and our rules, Ready, Respect, Safe when in class and around school
Take responsibility for my actions, including attending whole school detentions if required.
Do my best, take pride in my work and aim to achieve my personal best.
Try to attend at least one extra-curricular activity.
Let a teacher know if I have any worries
Follow the school’s online safety expectations, for example, not to engage negatively on social media where it causes offence or harm.
Parents/carers and students recognise that by being on roll at Marriotts we are agreeing to co-operate with the school in upholding these standards.