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Marriotts School Uniform
At Marriotts we believe that all students should wear the correct school uniform smartly and with pride. Wearing school uniform shows commitment to being part of the Marriotts family. It helps to foster a serious approach to learning and helps prepare students for their future careers. Our uniform also removes the distractions that invariably arise as a result of students comparing clothing and allows students to be easily recognised both in school and on off site visits, which more easily ensures student safety. We have high standards and high expectations for all our students and the way they present themselves at school is a vital part of this.
Low cost and availability
The school does not make a profit on school uniform and any surplus is put back into the rewards programme. The majority of the uniform can be sourced from most major retail outlets/supermarkets. Only the blazer with embroidered logo, the school tie and key items of the PE Kit must be purchased from our supplier. Our supplier is Sportswear International https://www.swischoolwear.co.uk/ Please contact the supplier for prices. Weekly deliveries to school are free of charge. Alternatively, items can be delivered direct to your home at a small charge.
Marking of uniform items
When items of uniform go missing, it can be costly for families to replace these items. To increase the chances of any lost items being returned to your child, we advise you to ensure that all uniform and PE kit is permanently marked with your child’s name. Permanent marker or labels can be used for this.
Second-hand uniform
If you would like to access our small stock of second hand uniform, please email uniform@marriotts.herts.sch.uk with your request and we will do our best to match your requirements. In addition, if you have any outgrown or spare uniform items that you would like to donate to our second hand uniform stock, please drop off any items at reception. We greatly appreciate your support.
Compulsory Uniform – students must have it and wear it:
- Black blazer (with Marriotts logo) fitted or loose fit
- Marriotts school tie
- White collared school shirt (long or short sleeved) tucked in
- Full length plain black school trousers
- Black pleated school skirt at knee length
- Plain dark socks with trousers
- Plain white or black socks or black tights with skirts
- All black flat leather shoes or leather trainers
Optional Uniform- students can wear it if they wish:
- Grey V-Neck school jumper (with or without the Marriotts logo)
- Black tailored shorts at knee length
Compulsory PE Kit – students must have it and wear it:
- Marriotts black polo shirt
- Marriotts black sweatshirt
- Marriotts black shorts
- Training shoes
- Plain black football socks
- Football boots (moulded studs are preferable)
- Gum shield and shin pads
Optional PE Kit – students can wear it if they wish:
- Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings for winter PE lessons
- Black base layer for winter PE lessons, worn under the PE Kit.
Uniform – further guidance
- Coats must be dark coloured with no large logos or images. Fashion jackets, for example, leather or denim jackets cannot be worn.
- Hoodies (and other non-uniform sweatshirts/jumpers) cannot be worn or carried/visible at any time during the school day, either in the school building or in outside areas. This includes during transition and at break and lunch.
Uniform |
Not allowed as uniform |
Full length plain black school trousers |
No jeans/denim fabrics No tracksuits or joggers No jersey material, leggings or footless tights No flares |
Knee length black school pleated skirt |
No skirts shorter than knee length No straight fit or slim fit skirts No stretchy or jersey material |
Grey V-Neck school jumper (with or without logo) |
No PE jumpers outside of PE lessons. No round neck black or grey jumpers No hoodies or other non-uniform jumpers worn in the school building |
Black tailored shorts at knee length. Must be worn with appropriate school shoes and plain dark socks. |
No short shorts No stretchy material, sports style (including motifs, strips or emblems), hot pants/cycling style shorts |
Plain dark socks with trousers Plain white socks OR black tights with skirts If wearing socks and tights, black socks. |
No patterned socks or tights No socks above the knee No visible logos in different colours No leg warmers or fluffy/very thick socks |
All black flat leather type shoes (and certain styles of leather type trainers) Must have an upper that fully encloses the foot including the heel. |
No flip flops or mules No fabric shoes or trainers, including converse and vans Shoes and leather type trainers need to be completely black – no other colours (including soles and any branding) |
One small sleeper ring or one plain small stud in each ear of gold or silver |
No multiple piercings No stretcher piercings No other visible body piercings, including nose piercings Covering piercing with plasters or ‘clear’ studs is not acceptable – please wait until the holidays if you plan to have piercings done, so piercings can be removed for school. |
No visible makeup |
No nail varnish, gels, false nails or extensions No false eyelashes No visible makeup |
Natural hair colours Discrete hair bands only |
No styles where patterns or shapes are shaved into the hair. No hair colour other than natural colours No shaven or cuts in eyebrows. |
School skirt:
School shoes:
School shorts:
PE Kit – further guidance
Uniform – PE Kit |
Not allowed as uniform – PE Kit |
Marriotts black PE polo shirt |
No alternative sports branded t-shirts or polo shirts |
Marriotts black PE sweatshirt |
No hoodies (including school branded ones) No alternative sports branded sweatshirts or tops |
Marriotts black PE shorts For Winter PE lessons – black tracksuit bottoms or black leggings. Black base layer under PE kit. |
No cycling shorts No alternative sports branded shorts No joggers or leggings of any other colour (must be black) |
Training shoes (for MUGA/3G/Fitness/Sports’ Hall lesson areas) Football boots with moulded studs (for Field and 3G lesson areas) |
No fashion/school trainers |
Plain black football socks |
Not the same socks as worn during the school day No white sports socks |
No jewellery of any kind to be worn No sunglasses to be worn (unless medical note) Long hair to be tied back during PE lessons |
All ear piercings and jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. Covering piercings with plasters or ‘clear’ studs is not acceptable – please wait until the holidays if you plan to have piercings done, so piercings can be removed for school. |
Page Downloads |
Marriotts School pricelist 2024 |