
At Marriotts, our provision for Safeguarding is of the utmost importance to ensure we maintain an ethos and culture where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened and responded to when they have a worry or concern. All members of staff know what actions to take to protect a child, and know how to respond should they have concerns regarding a child. They are Prevent trained and vigilant for the signs of extremism. The schools safeguarding procedures are robust and highly effective, linking with other professionals as needed to best support a child in need. Early intervention is seen as key. 

The school's Safeguarding Policy can be found here

At Marriotts, the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Miss Caitlin Macrae, Deputy Headteacher. 

If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of students in the school, please contact us by emailing

All students are taught how to stay safe, including staying safe online. Our safeguarding curriculum ensures that students are educated about the full range of potential risks they might face, including dangers in the wider community. It’s important that our students are well informed so that they are able to make good choices and spot the signs to keep themselves safe. The school uses key speakers and outside agencies and organisations to support their understanding of staying safe. For example we have had talks and presentations from the following: Freedom From Abuse, Chelsea’s Choice, Break The Chain, One Chance, Beauty or the Beast, Caught for Court.

Websites and resources that may be of use:

The mental health pages on our school website.

Educate against hate – Information and support for parents/carers on the issues surrounding extremism and radicalisation and how to protect your child.

Young Minds – Information and advice for parents/carers on young people’s behaviour and mental health.

NSPCC – The underwear rule – Guidance designed to help parents/carers start conversations with young people to help protect them from abuse.

There is also a guide for parents/carers of young people with autism:

There is also a guide for foster carers:

Family Lives – A charity set up to help support parents/carers with the changes families go through. This includes a confidential helpline and online chat.

CEOP – Information to help parents/carers protect their children from online abuse. Also includes information about reporting abuse.

The Hideout – A website created by Women’s Aid to help parents/carers understand domestic violence and how it affects young people.

Gangs Line – Information for parents/carers on gangs and youth violence.

Somebody else’s child – Information on private fostering.

Frank – Information for parents/carers on drugs and what to do if you are worried about your/a child.

Anti-Bullying Alliance – Information for parents/carers on bullying.

NSPCC – Information and advice about keeping children safe.

NSPCC – Child trafficking – Information on what child trafficking is.

Childline – Forced Marriage – Information, advice and guidance on forced marriage, including links to other websites.

NSPCC – What is Child Sexual Exploitation – Information on CSE, including signs, symptoms and effects.

B-eat – Guidance and support on eating disorders.

Self Harm and Mental Health – Help and guidance for parents on self harm.

We are with you – One of the UK’s leading and largest special drug, alcohol and mental health treatment charities.

Mermaids – To support trans, non binary and gender diverse children, young people and their families.

Internet Matters – Helping parents keep their children safe online.

 Missing People – A charity that aims to support family and friends of those who go missing.