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Occasional Absence
We recommend when reporting all student absence you use one of the following 2 options only.
Option 1 School comms/school gateway, for illness on the day. (Please note we can not receive any attachments)
Option 2 Via the school website google forms for illness/medical appointments or holidays etc. Report an Illness HERE
For 6th form please use option one or Contact Mrs Daly k.daly@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Please remember to report your child's absence by 8.30am Thank you for your support
Reminders regarding the occasional absence from school:
Marriotts School requires daily communication to cover absence from school and late arrival.
If your child is ill or if there is an urgent reason for non-attendance, please contact the school by 8.30am on each morning of absence
Home visits may be carried out if we do not hear from you.
If your child needs to leave school during the day, make sure the Attendance Team are aware.
Students must sign in/out at reception when they arrive late or leave school.
- Students should be in school by 8:25am
- Students arriving after 8:30am but before 9am will be given an L code late mark. Detentions will be issued without good reason or medical evidence.
- Students arriving after 9am will be given a U code late mark – These are unauthorised and fines from Herts County Council can be issued if the student reaches 10 or more unauthorised sessions in a 10 week rolling period.
- Medical appointments should be taken out of school time, where possible, if your child has a morning medical appointment please make sure that the attendance team receive a copy of the appointment so that it can be authorised otherwise a U code will be used.
Please make all medical, dental and other appointments outside of school hours. Occasionally an appointment during school time is unavoidable, such as with hospital appointments. Please let us know about any appointments as soon as possible and provide us with a copy of the appointment letter. Your child should still attend school on the day of the appointment and will be given permission to arrive late or leave early if necessary. If the appointment is in the middle of the day we expect your child to attend school first and return to school afterwards.
Holidays in Term Time
Holidays in term time cannot be authorised except in exceptional circumstances. If you believe your circumstances mean you have to take your child out of school, you must apply in writing at your earliest possible opportunity, using the Leave of Absence Application. Your application will be considered and we will write back to you to let you know the outcome.
Attendance Team Contact Details
Attendance Team Contact Details:
Mrs R Wraight (Attendance Officer Pastoral), Mrs S Shepherd (Attendance Office Data) & Mrs D Dettmer (Attendance Admin Assistant)
Email: attendance-team@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Attendance Officer Pastoral Mrs Rosie Wraight
Email: r.wraight@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Attendance Officer Data - Mrs Sarah Shepherd
Email: s.shepherd@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Attendance Admin Assistant: Mrs Dawn Dettmer
Email: d.dettmer@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Sixth Form Attendance: Mrs Kelly Daly