Our Staff

All staff at Marriotts work hard to provide a first-class education to ensure that every single student reaches and exceeds their potential and leaves us with the qualifications, skills and attitudes that they need to move on to the next stage of their lives. 


Role Email address
Miss R Acraman Science Technician r.acraman@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss L Albone 2nd in SEND and SENCo l.albone@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs P Alden English/FT 10C p.alden@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Allcock-Green SEND Interventions s.allcock-green@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Arnold Exam Invigilator  
Miss D Avey-Hebditch Reflection Room Leader d.avey-hebditch@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs M Bains Assistant Headteacher m.bains@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs C Baker Head of History/Jnt FT 13B c.baker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Bani CLA Coordinator l.bani@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr S Bannister Assistant Headteacher s.bannister@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs C Barker Teacher of Science and Psychology and STEM Advocate/FT 8E c.barker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms L Barrow Strategic Finance Manager l.barrow@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K Batchelor Exam Invigilator k.batchelor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs G Bedford Art/|Jnt FT 9G g.bedford@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr S Bharaj Maths Teacher/FT 8H s.bharaj@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss S Birch Lead Teacher for KS3 MFL/FT 9C s.birch@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs N Bond Head of Department - Dance/Jnt FT 7F n.bond@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R Bourne Cover Supervisor r.bourne@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Brahoua  Pastoral Interventions j.brahoua@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs C Bridgman Exam Invigilator  
Miss D Boudier Specialist TA and Cognition Learning Base Assistant d.boudier@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs B Brown Maths Tutor b.brown@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss D Brown Cognition and Learning Base Lead d.brown@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K Brown Year Leader Year 9 k.brown@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms Khansa Bukhari Instructor of Science (Maternity Cover) k.bukhari@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Callender Teacher of Business and IT and/or Computing/FT 7E c.callender@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss C Carthy Head of Psychology/FT 7H c.carthy@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Mrs L Chohan


Safeguarding Officer l.chohan@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Clark Teaching Assistant/Linked SEND Year 9/10/11 s.clark1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs T Clark HR Officer t.clark@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs G Clarke Exam Invigilator  
Miss H Clarke English Tutor h.clarke@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R Clarke Head of Business/IT/FT 12C r.clarke@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Clements New Staff Induction Facilitator/English/FT 10B j.clements@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs  J Coben Year Leader Year 10 (Jnt) j.coben@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs T Coles Jnt Base Room Leader/SEND Support t.coles@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss L Cooper Head of Health and Social Care l.cooper@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss N Cooper Student Conduct and Pastoral Leader n.cooper@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Coulson Exam Invigilator  
Miss Lilli-Rose Court-Holmes Teaching Assistant l.court-holmes@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Couzens Finance Officer s.couzens@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K Crighton Counsellor k.crighton@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms J Crook Head of Food Technology/FT 11B j.crook@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr B Cubberley Instructor/FT 7D b.cubberley@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Mrs K Daly


Pastoral Head of Sixth Form k.daly@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Davies Teacher of PE/Jnt FT 8G l.davies@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms M Davies LP: MFL /Head of Spanish/Jnt FT 7F  m.davies@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss J Deakin Exams Invigilator  
Ms V Delasalle Exam Invigilator  
Miss T Demetriou Assistant Headteacher t.demetriou@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs D Dettmer Attendance Admin Assistant d.dettmer@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss K Dinsey INCO and Alternative Provision and Curriculum Lead k.dinsey@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs A Drackford Fitness Manager a.drackford@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Drackford Operations and Facilities Manager/Community Leisure Services Manager/Jnt FT 8G j.drackford@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss L Drackford Junior Duty Manager l.drackford@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Edwards Behaviour Admin/Cover Co-ordinator s.edwards@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Endersbee Dance/Drama/Jnt FT 8C s.endersbee@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs C Er Data and Exams Support Assistant c.er@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R Etienne ICT/Computing/FT 10G r.etienne@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss H Everett Head of Drama/Jnt FT 8D h.everett@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K Ewins PA to SEND and Safeguarding k.ewins@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss J Farrow Assistant Year Leader Year 7 j.farrow@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss C Fisher Deputy Head of Maths/Library Co-ordinator/FT 13C c.fisher@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr K Forbes PE Technician k.forbes@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Fry Head of Art/FT 11D s.fry@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs D Gaikwad Year 7/8 Springboard Curriculum Development and Implementation Lead/FT 9A d.gaikwad@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Garrod Receptionist/Admin Assistant/Student Support Coordinator l.garrod@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Mr  C Gaskin


Behaviour and Student Support Leader c.gaskin@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Georgiou Cover Supervisor with pastoral support c.georgiou@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms A Gluckstein Senior Therapist a.gluckstein@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Goff Data Manager l.goff@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Gonsalves Instructor of Science/Jnt FT 8C l.gonsalves@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs T Haskins Head of Teacher Induction and Support, Lead LP for Teaching, English/Jnt FT 9B t.haskins@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs D Haynes

Teaching Assistant/Linked SEND Year 7/8/SEND Interventions

Mrs K Hays Admin Assistant - Transition and CLA k.hays@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss K Hays Teaching Assistant k.hays1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr L Head Junior Duty Manager l.head@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K Herbert Teaching Assistant/Linked SEND Year 9/10 k.herbert@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr A Hills Teaching Assistant/Linked SEND Year 9/10 a.hills@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr G Hill Exam Invigilator  
Miss L Hoepelman Art/Jnt FT 12E l.hoepelman@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Hogan Exam Invigilator  
Mr M Hollidge Exam Invigilator  
Ms B Honnor Headteacher b.honnor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss K Hoskins Humanities/Lead Teacher of KS3 RE and Faith Advocate/FT 9H k.hoskins1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Howard Exam Invigilator  
Mr A Illingworth Co-Curriculum Head of Sixth Form a.illingworth@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs M Jakuboniene Instructor of Science/FT 8A m.jakuboniene@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss H Jones Sports Centre Duty Manager h.jones@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs P Jones Jnt Head of MFL/Jnt FT 12E p.jones@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms R Jones Office Manager r.jones@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Jouini Maths/Jnt FT 10D m.jouini1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms I Kalopedis PA to Headteacher  i.kalopedis@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs H Kassim Exam Invigilator  
Miss N Kazi Maths/FT 10E n.kazi@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss Z Kazi  Assistant Year Leader Year 10 z.kazi@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss M Keddie Cover Supervisor m.keddie@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr Cameron Kerr Assistant Headteacher c.kerr@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R King Teaching Advocate Personal Development and Behaviour/Science/Jnt FT 13B r.king@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Lawrence Head of Maths/Jnt FT 8D j.lawrence@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Lawson Year Leader Year 11 s.lawson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Leach Associate Deputy Headteacher j.leach@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Lee-Dell Teacher of PE m.lee-dell@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Livingstone 2nd PE (Maternity leave) a.livingstone@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Loader Exams Invigilator  
Mrs J Loftus Counsellor (Maternity cover) j.loftus@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss T Loveland-Edgar Assistant Year Leader Year 11 t.lovelandedgar@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Lucy Head of PE j.lucy@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Lyttle Dance/Drama/Jnt FT 13A j.lyttle@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Miss C Macrae

(Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Deputy Headteacher c.macrae@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R Makin Exam Invigilator  
Ms F Marquis Counsellor f.marquis@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr F Martin Junior Duty Manager f.martin@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Martin Teaching Assistant s.martin@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms C Mascall Exam Invigilator  
Mrs S Matharu English/Jnt FT 9D  s.matharu@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr B Matthews Exam Invigilator  
Mrs T Matveeva Exam Invigilator  
Mr H Mayhew Science Technician and Teaching Assistant h.mayhew@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs M McDermott Head of Science/Jnt FT 11G m.mcdermott@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R McQueen History/Government and Politics Lead/FT 12B r.mcqueen@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Mead Music/Jnt FT 13E s.mead@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Mercer Associate Head of English, Media and Film/Jnt FT 13A a.mercer@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs EMercury Exam Invigilator  
Miss F Mitchell Specialist TA and Alternative Provision Assistant f.mitchell@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Moore (Maternity leave) Cover Supervisor l.moore@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Morgan Assistant Headteacher  c.morgan@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms N Moss LP: Literacy and English/FT 7G n.moss@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss J Mullen Teacher of English/FT 11G j.mullen1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss S Murray Exams Invigilator  
Mr D Neely Head of KS5 Maths /FT 12A d.neely@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Dr C Newstead LP: Academic Sixth Form/Mentoring, Technology/Jnt FT 13E c.newstead@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss J Outlaw Teaching Assistant/Linked SEND Year 7 j.outlaw@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Packard LP Retention and Retrieval, Maths/FT 11C c.packard@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Parker Teaching Assistant and Operational Access Coordinator a.parker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss B Parker Assistant Year Leader Year 8 b.parker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs P Parry Exam Invigilator  
Miss S Parry Food Instructor/Jnt FT 9E and 10F s.parry@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Mr B Pearce


Deputy Headteacher b.pearce@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Peary Resources and Operations Secretary j.peary@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Pettorelli Technology Technician jr.pettorelli@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs A Phillips

Lead Teacher of KS3 Geography and Sustainability/Jnt FT 11E 

Mrs A Piddock Teaching Assistant 1:1/SEND Interventions a.piddock@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Plowman Exams Invigilator  
Mr C Pollard Exam Invigilator  
Mrs H Portingale Teaching Advocate Post 16, Health and Social Care/Sixth Form Mentoring h.portingale@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Powell Jnt Base Room Leader/Year 12/13 SEND Lead l.powell@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr A Presland LP Year 10 Standards and Conduct Lead/English a.presland@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs A Purvis Exam Invigilator  
Mrs B Radenhausen Jnt Head of MFL/Jnt FT 11H b.radenhausen@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr G Reilly Head of Geography/Jnt FT 9G g.reilly@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr D Reshat Maths Instructor/FT 11A d.reshat@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss K Reshat Student Services Coordinator k.reshat@marriott.herts.sch.uk
Mrs R Reshat Head of Communication r.reshat@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr S Reshat Cover Supervisor s.reshat@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs G Ridley Exam Invigilator  
Mrs H Robinson Receptionist/Admin Assistant h.robinson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms D Robson Teacher of Humanities/FT 12D d.robson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs A Roofi Instructor of Science/FT 8F a.roofi@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms A Rose Instructor of Maths and Science a.rose@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Sack LP Personal Development/Student Voice and Mentoring (Maternity leave) j.sack@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs R Sale Acting 2nd PE (maternity cover)/Drama/Jnt FT 9D r.sale@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms C Severn KS3 Co-ordinator English/Jnt FT 9B c.severn@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss M Seymour PE Teacher/FT 7C m.seymour@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss S Shepherd Attendance Officer - Data s.shepherd@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss G Shrewring Internal Isolation Room Leader g.shrewring@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs N Smith Exam Invigilator  
Miss J Southey Cover Supervisor j.southey@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms J Speer Exam Invigilator  
Mrs J Stephens Post 16 Academic Mentor j.stephens@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss J Stokes Teaching Assistant j.stokes@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Sweeney Dance/FT 7A a.sweeney@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Mrs A Taylor


Assistant Headteacher  a.taylor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs C Taylor Instructor of English/FT 9F c.taylor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Taylor Technology/FT 8B j.taylor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss J Taylor Year Leader Year 10 (Jnt) j.taylor2@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Taylor Head of Music/FT 7B m.taylor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss L Temple (Maternity leave) Teaching and Learning Advocate for Science/FT 10H l.temple@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Tether Lead Assistant Headteacher  l.tether@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms C Thomas Safeguarding, CLA and Attendance Co-ordinator c.thomas@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss C Travi Secretary to SLT c.travi@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs E Vandergrift Lead Teacher of KS3 History/FT 10A e.vandergrift@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Miss S Wadsworth


Head of Counselling (Maternity) s.wadsworth@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Wagstaff-Sherwood Assistant Headteacher a.wagstaffsherwood@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs Ka White Business and HR Manager k.white@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs N White Teacher of PE (Maternity cover)/Jnt FT 10F n.white@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Whittaker Assistant Headteacher j.whittaker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Whittaker Instructor of Science/Jnt FT 11F m.whittaker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs R Whittaker  Head of Religious Studies and MPD/Jnt FT 9E r.whittaker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms H Wilgucki Senior Science Technician h.wilgucki@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss M Williams Teaching Assistant and Maths Coordinator m.williams@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs C Willsher Exam Invigilator  
Mrs M Wilson MCR Pathways Coordinator m.wilson1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss T Wilson Assistant Year Leader Year 9 t.wilson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Wilton Exam Invigilator  
Mr M Winter Assistant Headteacher m.winter@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs M Wise Year Leader Year 8 m.wise@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Dr M Woodrow Deputy Head of KS5 Science/FT 13D m.woodrow@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs R Wraight Attendance Officer - Pastoral r.wraight@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss C Wright Careers and Enrichment Co-ordinator c.wright@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Wright Exams Officer l.wright@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr G Yapp Tutor of Physics g.yapp@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs E Young Year Leader Year 7  l.young@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Senior Leadership Team



Email adress

Ms B Honnor Headteacher b.honnor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Miss C Macrae

Deputy Headteacher

(Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mr B Pearce Deputy Headteacher b.pearce@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Leach Associate Deputy Headteacher j.leach@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs M Bains Assistant Headteacher m.bains@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr S Bannister Assistant Headteacher s.bannister@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss T Demetriou Assistant Headteacher t.demetriou@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Kerr Assistant Headteacher c.kerr@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Morgan Assistant Headteacher c.morgan@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs A Taylor Assistant Headteacher a.taylor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Tether Assistant Headteacher (SENCO) l.tether@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Wagstaff-Sherwood Assistant Headteacher a.wagstaffsherwood@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Whittaker Assistant Headteacher


Mr M Winter Assistant Headteacher m.winter@marriotts.herts.sch.uk


Business, IT & Computing Team

Name Role Email address
Mr R Clarke Head of Faculty (Business/IT/computing) r.clarke@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R Etienne Head of IT/Computing r.etienne@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr C Callender Teacher of Business and IT c.callender@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Humanities Team

Name Role Email address
Mrs C Baker Head of History c.baker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss C Carthy Head of Psychology c.carthy@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss K Hoskins Lead Teacher of KS3 RE and Faith Advocate k.hoskins1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr Cameron Kerr Teacher of Humanities (AHT) c.kerr@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr R McQueen Government and Politics Lead r.mcqueen@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs A Phillips Lead Teacher of KS3 Geography and Sustainability a.phillips1@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr G Reilly Head of Geography g.reilly@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms D Robson Teacher of Humanities d.robson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs A Taylor Teacher of RE and MPD (AHT) a.taylor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Tether Teacher of Geography and MPD (AHT) l.tether@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs E Vandergrift Lead Teacher of KS3 History e.vandergrift@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs R Whittaker  Head of Religious Studies and MPD r.whittaker@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

MFL Team

Name Role Email address
Miss S Birch Lead Teacher for KS3 MFL s.birch@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms M Davies Head of Spanish m.davies@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs P Jones Jnt Head of MFL (French) p.jones@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs B Radenhausen Jnt Head of MFL (German) b.radenhausen@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

PE Team

Name Role Email address
Mr J Lucy Head of PE Faculty j.lucy@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr S Bannister Teacher of PE (AHT) s.bannister@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs N Bond Head of Dance/ Teacher of Pe n.bond@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss L Cooper Head of Health and Social Care/ Teacher of PE l.cooper@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr K Forbes PE Technician k.forbes@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Davies Teacher of PE l.davies@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr A Illingworth Teacher of PE a.illingworth@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Lee-Dell Teacher of PE m.lee-dell@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Livingstone 2nd in PE (Maternity leave) a.livingstone@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs H Portingale Head of CPLD/Teacher of PE h.portingale@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs R Sale Acting 2nd PE  r.sale@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss M Seymour Teacher of PE m.seymour@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs N White Teacher of PE (Maternity) n.white@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Winter Teacher if PE (AHT) m.winter@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Performing Arts Team

Name Role Email address
Miss H Everett Head of Performing Arts Faculty h.everett@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs N Bond Head of Dance n.bond@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Endersbee Teacher of Performing Arts s.endersbee@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Lyttle Teacher of Performing Arts j.lyttle@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Mead Teaching of Music s.mead@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss A Sweeney Teacher of Performing Arts a.sweeney@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr M Taylor Head of Music m.taylor@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Administrative Team

Name Role Email address
Ms L Barrow Strategic Finance Manager l.barrow@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs T Clark HR Officer t.clark@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Couzens Finance Officer s.couzens@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs D Dettmer Attendance Admin Assistant d.dettmer@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs S Edwards Behaviour Admin/Cover Co-ordinator s.edwards@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs C Er Data and Exams Support Assistant c.er@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Garrod Receptionist/Admin Assistant/Student Support Coordinator l.garrod@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Goff Data Manager l.goff@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K Hays Admin Assistant - Transition and CLA k.hays@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms R Jones Office Manager r.jones@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms I Kalopedis PA to Headteacher  i.kalopedis@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Peary Resources and Operations Secretary j.peary@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss K Reshat Student Services Coordinator k.reshat@marriott.herts.sch.uk
Mrs H Robinson Receptionist/Admin Assistant h.robinson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss S Shepherd Attendance Officer - Data s.shepherd@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss C Travi Secretary to SLT c.travi@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K White Business and HR Manager k.white@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs R Wraight Attendance Officer - Pastoral r.wraight@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss C Wright Careers and Enrichment Co-ordinator c.wright@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Wright Exams Officer l.wright@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Counselling Team

Name Role Email address
Miss S Wadsworth Head of Counselling (Maternity) s.wadsworth@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs K Crighton Counsellor k.crighton@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms A Gluckstein Senior Therapist a.gluckstein@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs J Loftus Counsellor (Maternity cover) j.loftus@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Ms F Marquis Counsellor f.marquis@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Cover Team

Name Role Email address
Mr R Bourne Cover Supervisor r.bourne@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss M Keddie Cover Supervisor m.keddie@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mrs L Moore (Maternity leave) Cover Supervisor l.moore@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss J Southey Cover Supervisor j.southey@marriotts.herts.sch.uk

Exam Invigilators



Email address

Mrs J Arnold

Exam Invigilator


Mrs C Bridgman

Exam Invigilator


Mrs G Clarke

Exam Invigilator


Mrs L Coulson

Exam Invigilator


Miss J Deakin

Exams Invigilator


Ms V Delasalle

Exam Invigilator


Mr G Hill

Exam Invigilator


Mrs S Hogan

Exam Invigilator


Mr M Hollidge

Exam Invigilator


Mrs J Howard

Exam Invigilator


Mrs H Kassim

Exam Invigilator


Mr C Loader

Exams Invigilator


Mr R Makin

Exam Invigilator


Ms C Mascall

Exam Invigilator


Mr B Matthews

Exam Invigilator


Mrs T Matveeva

Exam Invigilator


Mrs E Mercury

Exam Invigilator


Miss S Murray

Exams Invigilator


Mrs P Parry

Exam Invigilator


Mrs S Plowman

Exams Invigilator


Mr C Pollard

Exam Invigilator


Mrs A Purvis

Exam Invigilator


Mrs G Ridley

Exam Invigilator


Mrs N Smith

Exam Invigilator


Mrs C Willsher

Exam Invigilator


Mr M Wilton

Exam Invigilator


Sport center staff

Name Role Email address
Mrs A Drackford Fitness Manager a.drackford@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr J Drackford Operations and Facilities Manager/Community Leisure Services Manager j.drackford@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss L Drackford Junior Duty Manager l.drackford@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr L Head Junior Duty Manager l.head@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Miss H Jones Sports Centre Duty Manager h.jones@marriotts.herts.sch.uk
Mr F Martin Junior Duty Manager f.martin@marriotts.herts.sch.uk