Mobile Phones, Headphones/earpods, smartwatches

Mobile phones, headphones/earpods, smartwatches

These items are ‘switched off in school bag.’  They are ‘never used, seen or heard.’  Mobile phones, headphones/earpods, smartwatches use is prohibited throughout the school day from arrival until students have left the school site at the end of the school day.

In emergency situations, students go to student reception or Year Leader and speak to them about contacting home.

Students are regularly reminded that:

  • Phones, headphones/earpods, smartwatches are never used in lessons.
  • Phones, headphones/earpods, smartwatches are never used around the school building.
  • Phones, headphones/earpods, smartwatches are never used in the outside areas.
  • Phones are never used to contact a parent/carer or checked for messages or calls from a parent/carer
  • Phones are never used in an ‘emergency’.
  • Phones, headphones/earpods, smartwatches are never used at 3pm or after in the school building or playgrounds. Students must leave school site before these items are removed from the school bag.
  • Phones are never used to check classcharts; students have a copy of their timetable provided by their tutor.

If phones, headphones/earpods, smartwatches are ‘used, seen or heard’ the student will hand the phone over to staff, they will receive a sanction of 2 Behaviour Points and the item will be taken to reception, where a parent/carer can collect from reception at the end of the school day up to 4pm. Parents/carers will receive a school coms message or a phone call from the school that the item is in reception ready to be collected. This message will usually be sent before 3.20pm. Items will not be released to students.

Year 12 and 13: Are able to use their mobile phones, earphones, earpods, smartwatches in the sixth form common room at break and lunch time and during lessons times (when agreed by teacher). Sixth form students are also able to use wired headphones plugged into their Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or plugged into computers around the school for educational purposes.  At all other times they are ’never used, seen or heard’ and are not allowed in sixth form lessons as standard. On infrequent occasions, they may be used for a task when agreed by the teacher.

For further details, please see the school behaviour policy on our website.