
Welcome to the Governors’ section of our website where you can find out about our school’s governors and the work of the Governing Body.

The Governing Body has a legal responsibility for the overall management of the school and governors are actively involved in school life in many ways . Governors set the school’s vision and strategic aims, monitor and evaluate performance and ensure the school is accountable to those it serves.

End of year statement from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents

As we near the end of another academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during what has been a challenging but overall successful year at Marriotts. I know you will join me in thanking all of the Marriotts staff team in their unwavering support of all students at the school. 

Wellbeing of the whole Marriotts Family is vital to all at the school, we have   navigated a number of tragic losses this year and I'm proud to see how the staff have supported students and each other to cope with such sad events.  

Success is at the heart of Marriotts, from the students who left last summer who are now studying in some of the top universities in the UK, to the year 7's who have flourished at the school after having difficult experiences at primary school. Success can show itself in so many different ways and here at Marriotts we celebrate it all, that's what makes Marriotts so special. 

The Marriotts Governing Board is made up of parents, ex-parents and people who are passionate to  support the school to deliver outstanding opportunities to our students, we are always looking for new volunteers with fresh, exciting viewpoints, if you are interested please contact me via the school office. 

In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all boards of governors, the three core strategic functions Marriotts Governing Body are:

· ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

· holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students and

· overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The governing body meet regularly with these three-core strategic function at the centre of all decisions made. In the summer term governors met to plan the strategic direction for 2024/25. All governors also visit the school to see for themselves how the school operates, taking time to meet the staff and students to hear what is working well and what could be even better. The governor visits are the highlight of most governors’ year; spending time seeing how engaged and enthusiastic students are, is arguably much more important than any meeting to discuss strategic direction.

On behalf of all governors I hope that your summer is enjoyable and look forward to welcoming students and families back to Marriotts in September for what I am sure will be another highly successful year.

Mrs Melany Knowles
Chair of Governors


Curriculum & Achievement Report 2023-24

The Curriculum and Achievement Committee has met regularly throughout 2023-24 to scrutinise all aspects of standards of educational provision across the school. This has included a detailed analysis of student outcomes and projected outcomes, and the school strategies to address any gaps in this performance; reviewing the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum across all three key stages, including the particular focus on pitch and challenge and supporting closing the gap for key groups including boys and Disadvantaged students; other key measures such as attendance, behaviour, suspensions, permanent exclusions, etc, and monitoring that these are in line with national averages; and key strategies and policies such as Tuition, Pupil Premium, etc. We look forward to seeing the school continue to move forwards in further improving outcomes and provision in 2024-25.