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Year 8



Message from your Year leaders

Our mission statement is ‘Aim high, work hard and be kind’, we hope that our students will achieve this and your support is greatly appreciated with all matters relating to school life.

If you have any questions or would like to contact the year 8 team your child’s form tutor is your first point of communication, or for a more serious issue please contact the head of year.

This section of our website will be kept up to date with pictures from trips and other events our year 8’s have the opportunity to participate in.

We are looking forward to this year, being back in school and to continue on your journey through Marriotts with you.

Miss Brown                                         Miss Wilson

Year Leader                                                                                Assistant Year Leader

k.brown@marriotts.herts.sch.uk                                  t.wilson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk


The Curriculum in year 8

We invite parents and students to watch the following narrated PowerPoint to get a better understanding of the Year 8 curriculum:



Literacy in year 8

Please watch the following video which will give you some ideas about how to support literacy and reading development in Year 8:



Mental Health and Wellbeing

Please watch this presentation which highlights some important aspects of health and wellbeing and gives some guidance and areas to think about. The video also includes some websites and contacts which can be used to find out more.



If you have any further queries about Year 8, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Brown or Miss Wilson (k.brown@marriotts.herts.sch.uk or t.wilson@marriotts.herts.sch.uk).


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Marriotts Welcome handbook July 2024 22nd Jul 2024 Download