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Exam Information
Summer Results 2024
All exam certificates from Summer 2024 will be available to collect from school from the week beginning the 18th November. These are your official results and should be collected as soon as possible after this date.
Examination JCQ Documents, Rules and Policies
General Exam Requirements
You must arrive at school 20 minutes prior to an examination at the latest.
It is much better to leave yourself a safety margin on timings in case of problems with the journey.
Students must not have mobiles phones (either on or off), notes, MP3/4 players, iPods, earphones/ Airpods/ earbuds, wrist watches, any technological/web enabled sources of information, reading pens, etc. in their possession. This is very important because if unauthorised items are found in your possession, you will be reported to the Awarding Body who may penalise you. Please make sure your pockets are empty.
You should bring two black pens and any other equipment needed for your examination.
Only clear pencil cases are allowed on your desk.
Do not use gel or any correcting pens. Highlighter pens must not be used in your answers.
You are allowed to use a scientific calculator, unless the question paper states otherwise.
Calculators must be free of lids, cases and covers. The memory should be cleared before the exam.
No food or chewing gum is allowed in the examination hall.
Water bottles are allowed and you are encouraged to bring one. These should be clear bottles with a spill-proof cap. There should be no label or any markings on the bottle.
You must do any rough work in the answer booklet provided. Cross out anything that you do not wish to be marked.
There is absolutely no talking or communication between students once you enter the examination room. If you have any questions, you should raise your hand once seated and an invigilator will come to you. You must remain silent until you are outside the exam room.
What to do if you are ill on the day of an examination
If you are unwell, it is better to attend the examination where a member of the Senior Leadership Team can confirm you are unable to sit the examination. This allows the centre to make a stronger case when applying for Special Consideration due to illness. However, if you are too ill and unable to attend an examination, the school must be informed by 8.30am. Within three days of the examination missed, a self-certificating medical note detailing the reason for non-attendance must be brought to the Examinations Office.
If you do not attend an examination without a valid reason, you will be charged for that examination.
Misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence.