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What is it to be a Scientist at Marriotts?Science 14 x

Science is everywhere. We prepare students for understanding the science around them in the outside world, from the sub atomic to the intergalactic.

Science is interesting. We are committed to providing a curriculum that is stimulating, challenging and leads to students who are enthusiastic about learning science.

Scientists need knowledge. We aim to equip students with the scientific knowledge and skills that they need to achieve their personal best.

Curriculum Overview 

Science LTP

Key Stage 3

In KS3 students at Marriotts study a varied curriculum in Science that covers all three major disciplines, Biology, Chemistry & Physics, as well as the practical aspects of Science.  They will have 3 hours per week to cover the National Curriculum content.

Key Stage 4

In KS4 all students will study Science at GCSE either studying Combined Science or Separate Biology, Chemistry & Physics. We follow the AQA specifications – Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) & Biology (8461), Chemistry (8462), Physics (8463).

Key Stage 5

We offer a wide range of courses at Level 3 to suit all interests. Students can chose from A levels in Biology (OCR A), Chemistry (AQA), Physics (AQA) or Psychology (AQA) or vocational BTECs in Applied Science (Pearson) and Applied Psychology (Pearson). 

Click on the relevent year group curriculum maps in the document section below to find out more detail about what is studied in Marriotts Science department. For further details of the Science curriculum please contact Mrs M Mcdermott

Subject Team

The Science Department consists of 14 highly skilled and motivated members of staff who are fully committed to ensuring each student maximises their potential in science and is able to enjoy the diverse range of topics that we study at Marriotts.

Staff Role in faculty
Mrs M Mcdermott Head of Science Faculty
Mrs C Barker Teacher of Science and Psychology
Mrs D Galkward Teacher of Science
Mrs L Gonsalves Teacher of Science
Ms B Honnor Teacher of Science
Mrs M Jakuboniene Teacher of Science
Mr R King  Teaching Advocate:Science and PE
Mrs J Leach Teaher of Science & Psychology/AHT
Dr C Newstead Teacher of Science/Lead Practitioner
Mrs A Roofie Teacher of Science
Miss L Temple Teacher of Science and PE
Ms M Wilson KS3 Science Lead
Dr M Woodrow KS5 and Vocational Science Lead
Mr G Yapp Teacher of Science 


Curriculum Maps

Click on the relevent year group curriculum map to find out more detail about what is studied in Marriotts science department.

Year 7 Curriculum map

Year 8 Curriculum map

Year 9 Curriculum map

Year 10 Curriculum map

Year 11 Curriculum map

Careers: Where can this subject take me?

Potential careers

Amongst a wide range of careers accessible with a science degree, students could consider:

Biochemistry, Botany, Forensic Science, Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Ecology and the Environment, Landscaping,Physiotherapy, Environmental Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Teaching, Research Scientist, Physician Associate, Science writer

Whether you consider yourself a scientist or not, good qualifications in science from Marriotts will prepare you well for your life ahead.

Engineering Careers Physics Careers Biology Careers Chemistry Careers


These alumni all showed boundless enthusiasm for Science whilst at Marriotts and will now help to prepare other students for their university applications.

Natural Sciences at Durham University  2020-current
Physics at Bath Univeristy 2021-current
Medicine at Brighton Univeristy 2020-current
Engineering at Imperial College London 2020-current
Pharmacy at UEA 2020-current
Biomedical Science Sheffield Univeristy 2020-current
Biomedical Science at Brighton University 2020-current
Chemistry at Nottingham University 2020-current


Some examples of enrichment activities we have held over the past few years:

In January 2020 we were honoured to host Lord Robert Winston, Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College London, to give a talk to our Year 7 and Post 16 students.

We organise an annual trip for Year 7 to Whipsnade Zoo where we have a lovely day bringing our Ecology topic to life. 

Our KS3 STEM club students have attended the Big Bang Fair for several years and they take part in many local STEM events and challenge days.

We have collaborated with researchers at the University of Cambridge to deliver an iLab program to some of our most enthusiastic and gifted Year 10 students. The students also had the opportunity to visit the speakers at their labs in Cambridge this year.

We celebrated National Science and Engineering Week with a range of activities involving all students in all year groups. We have a robot club and STEM club which students have to apply to be part of and a Science club which is open to all students.

As part of the school’s annual careers week all year 7 students complete a Crest Award ably supported by our Post 16 STEM ambassador team.

KS4 knowledge organisers

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