

Welcome to the Marriotts HOP (Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal) page.  On this page we will continuously update information and provide links to the HOP webpage with information that we think could be of use to the Marriotts community. 

If you want to explore Careers in Hertfordshire you should visit HOP (Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal).  This site has been created for Hertfordshire students to find out about local jobs in your home county.  You will be able to find details about the types of jobs likely to exist now and in the future, find out about some of the big employers you might want to work for as well as information about apprenticeships.   


All resources

Discover all of HOP's resources in one place, from interview preparation to tips for your first day at work!


Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, schools across the UK have been unable to meet the requirement to provide students with at least one meaningful encounter with an employer per year, traditionally achieved through careers talks and work experience opportunities. These encounters are a vital part of careers education, with research linking them to increased motivation, aspiration, and a greater chance for future success in the workplace.

So to support this Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal (HOP) are launching a new series of webinars featuring interviews with local employers.