Stretch Tasks

Below are tasks to stretch and challenge you. They are designed for students in Years 7-9, but can be completed by any student. If you complete one, please show to your subject teacher and you will receive a green slip.



Increase your awareness of the Universe, and our place within it.

Watch some episodes of Brian Cox documentaries (there are a large number of  these on iPlayer).

Find out about the British ESA astronaut, Tim Peake and create a power point or poster to explain who he is and why his work is so important.

Increase your awareness of the natural world

Watch some episodes of a variety of David Attenborough documentaries E.g. Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Frozen Planet (there are a large number of David Attenborough documentaries on BBC iPlayer).

Find out about David Attenborough and create a power point or poster to explain who he is and why his work is so important. Include some interesting facts that you learned from watching his programmes.



Read something different – a magazine, story, non-fiction book. You could source these reading resources from home, the school library or you could become a member of the library in the town centre (this free to join) and select something to read from there.

Read some poems that interest you. You could read from a book or web site E.g. Explain which poem you liked best and why you liked it.


Identify as many different situations as possible in which someone might use the topics that you have learned in maths in the wider world.  Then, rank these from most to least influential on society and explain your choices.


Watch the video on Life in Roman Britain.

  • Write a bullet pointed list as you watch about what life was like in Roman Britain
  • Write a diary entry from the perspective of an ordinary person living in Roman Britain - make sure you use lots of adjectives (description words) in your entry.

Watch the video on Life in a Medieval Village.

  • Write a bullet pointed list as you watch about what life was like and how a Medieval village looked.
  • Now draw a bird eye view of a Medieval Village from the description in the video.

Watch the video on History vs Henry VIII.

  • Write a bullet pointed list as you watch about Henry VIII - divide your page into 'good king' and 'bad king'.
  • Now write a newspaper article based on your judgement - was Henry VIII a good or a bad king?

Watch the video on the Industrial Revolution.

  • Write a bullet pointed list on the Industrial Revolution
  • Now create a poster advertising a new invention of your choice - make sure your language is persuasive as you want people to buy the machine.


Create a model landscape based on one of the three different plate boundaries and simulate an earthquake by applying gentle movements, observing how the landscape shifts and changes. Measure and record the displacement along a fault line to understand how tectonic plate movements cause earthquakes.


Read philosophical books such as ‘Sophie’s World’ and ‘Northern Lights’. Write a book review to explain your story and thoughts about the book.


Listen to a famous piece of classical music and research one of the instruments played in it. You might get some ideas from


Watch 'Film4- Actors on Acting' on YouTube. Summarise their top tips for a good performance.


Watch some ballet choreographed by Matthew Bourne. What makes his work so creative?


Make a useful phrase book for someone to take on holiday with them, this can be done in a language of your choosing.


Watch a sporting event (in person or on TV) and write a ‘match report’ on the event you saw.


Research war time code breakers and the equipment that they used (you can get some ideas from the Bletchley Park web site ( Produce a power point or poster to explain what you have discovered.


Create a timeline to show how the design of a product has changed over time E.g. telephones, TVs, sports equipment. What do you think about the changes in the product?


Research into textile artists and their techniques (E.g. Use images to create a power point to explain what you like and dislike about the art works.


Take some photos of landscapes around our town. Try and be as creative as you can.


Make a recipe book of ideas for nutritious meals that will feed a family of 4. Cost your ideas and make sure that the ingredients for each meal come to less than £10.